The Mississippi State Personnel Board is pleased to announce the selection of the inaugural cohort of Mississippi LEAD. Being the first new training program launched by the agency in nearly a decade, Mississippi LEAD is a new leadership program for executive leaders in state government. Unlike other programs, the curriculum is designed to fit into an executive leader’s busy schedule with monthly webinars and quarterly meetings during the course of two years.
We are pleased to announce that the following candidates have been selected for the inaugural class:
Bridgette Bell, Department of Child Protective Services
Tracy Buchanan, Division of Medicaid
Brian Daniel, Mississippi Development Authority
Michael Dehaan, Department of Revenue
Veronica Dunning, Mississippi Community College Board
Cindy Gardner, Department of Archives and History
Tylvester Goss, Department of Human Services
James “Caleb” Hammons, Office of State Aid Road Construction
Kameron Harris, Department of Human Services
Joe Hawkins, Board of Contractors
Jennifer Head, Department of Banking and Consumer Finance
Stephanie Hedgepeth, Department of Information Technology Services
Daniel Jordan, Office of the Secretary of State
Jennifer Lena, Mississippi Library Commission
Patrick Levine, Department of Marine Resources
Dr. Jo Ann Malone, Department of Education
Erin Meyer, Department of Education
Douglas Miracle, Office of the Attorney General
Samandra Murphy, Department of Rehabilitation Services
Brian Perry, Department of Agriculture and Commerce
Kellye Rhodes, Department of Revenue
Patrick Roberts, Mississippi Development Authority
Melvin Robinson, Department of Rehabilitation Services
Nirmala Sahoo, Department of Environmental Quality
Crystal Secoy, Office of the Attorney General
Bobby Sterling, Jr., Ellisville State School
Crystal Thompson, Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
Jason Thompson, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
Elisa Wells, Department of Revenue
Jaricus Whitlock, Department of Environmental Quality
Alon Wood, Mississippi State Personnel Board