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Career Enhancement and Electives

Please note: Career enhancement courses are open for all to register. You do not have to be enrolled in a specific program to register for a career enhancement/elective course.
Administrative Services Certification Program (ASCP)
7 Habits of Highly Effective Non-Managers

Known as the world’s premier personal leadership development course, the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People aligns timeless principles of effectiveness with modern technology and practices.
Training that helps an organization achieve sustained superior results focuses on making individuals and leaders more effective. Participants gain hands-on experience, applying timeless principles that yield greater productivity, improved communication, strengthened relationships, increased influence, and laser-like focus on critical priorities.
A completely new app, Living the 7 Habits™, has been developed to support ongoing learning about and implementing the 7 Habits, and is available to those who attend.
Participants will learn to:
•    Focus and act on what can be controlled and influenced, instead of what can’t
•    Define clear measures of success and create a plan to achieve them for both life and work
•    Prioritize and achieve the most important goals instead of constantly reacting to urgencies
•    Develop innovative solutions that leverage diversity and satisfy all key stakeholders
•    Collaborate more effectively with others by building high-trust relationships of mutual benefit

Communicating to Build Relationships

Formerly “Things I would Like to Tell My Boss.”

A recent study found an employee’s relationship with their immediate supervisor is one of the most significant contributions to job satisfaction and success. Good communication is the key to developing and maintaining a relationship with a supervisor. In this half-day class, participants learn about topics important to the working relationship and are encouraged to develop their communication skills. (3 hours)

How to Manage Multiple Priorities

Multi-tasking is a learned skill that can lead to increased productivity and greater confidence in one’s job duties. This class teaches participants how to balance multiple tasks, even during periods of high stress, to help provide more efficient and effective services to an agency and stakeholders.(6 hours)

Managing Stressful Situations

Stress can negatively affect one’s professional and personal life. In this half-day class, participants will learn how to identify the causes of stress and how to cope with stress based on their Myers-Briggs personality type to assist employees in providing a balanced work life that facilitates growth and productivity. (3 hours)

Navigating the Road to Success

Conduct and attitude-related behaviors contribute to success at work. In this class, participants discuss principles for workplace success and discover how to positively impact their success and that of their agencies through completing a team player survey and exploring case studies. (3 hours)

Overview of Government Part II

Formerly Government Updates for ASCP

This half-day class discusses current state law and policies, how a bill becomes law, and how laws apply to state employees. In addition, participants will review the three branches of state government and how duties and responsibilities are divided between them. (3 hours)

Positive Work Environment

Ideal for support staff, this half-day class gives an overview of the Mississippi State Personnel Board ‘s workplace harassment policy and federal and state laws pertaining to harassment and discrimination. Participants will also learn their rights and responsibilities as state employees. (3 hours)

Rights and Responsibilities

This half-day class gives an overview of the rights and responsibilities of state employees regarding harassment and discrimination. Participants will engage in discussions regarding Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (Title VII), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and other laws essential to the rights and responsibilities in the workplace. (3 hours)

Writing Advantage® by Franklin Covey for ASCP

In today’s workplace, employees use written communication more often than face-to-face communication. This class teaches participants how to use written communication confidently, productively, and effectively. (6 hours)

Executive Services Certification Program (ESCP)
Building Your Network

Designed for administrative professionals who wish to sharpen their networking skills, this half-day class allows participants to practice real-world skills. Networking helps to increase one’s circle of influence and provides opportunities to build relationships with people within an agency, with external customers, and in one’s personal life. Networking builds success between co-workers, clients, and stakeholders and can facilitate the transfer of institutional knowledge throughout the state workforce. (3 hours)