What is the Mississippi Certified Public Manager Program?
Note: To view information regarding CPM with Excellence, click here.
The Mississippi Certified Public Manager® (MCPM) program is a nationally-recognized leadership development program for public managers and supervisors. The federal government and 42 states participate in the National CPM Consortium, which accredits and establishes the Certified Public Manager® designation requirements.
Many governmental entities have chosen MCPM as their primary method for training current leaders and developing future leaders.
Who Should Attend?
MCPM is designed for managers, experienced supervisors, and project team leaders who work in a state agency and have direct or functional supervision of people, projects, or programs.
What Will Participants Learn from MCPM?
The MCPM curriculum covers the full spectrum of management and leadership skill building, beginning with individual performance and expanding to broader organizational and public policy issues. The training style uses practical, hands-on learning activities to successfully join theory with practical application, including six one-week levels of classroom instruction, three job-related projects, elective courses based on developing key management and leadership skills, two readings, and an Executive Seminar. Participants will receive individual coaching to create a leadership development plan that documents competency skill development. In addition to earning credits toward a CPM designation, several colleges and universities accept the MCPM Program as credit for the upper division baccalaureate degree (15 semester hours) or the graduate degree (9 semester hours) in Public Administration, Management, or HR.
How do I register?
CPM is offered twice per semester, four times per year. Click here to view the current course schedule. Learn how to register here.
Course Agenda
Level | Curriculum | Requirements and Related Assignments |
Level I(30 hours) | - Day 1: Personal Styles/MBTI
- Day 2: Interpersonal Communication
- Day 3 (AM): Ethics in the Workplace
- Day 3 (PM): Manager or Leader: Changing Behavior or Changing Minds
- Day 4: Leadership in a Changing World
- Day 5: Leadership Development Planning
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Level II(30 hours) | - Day 1: Employee Engagement
- Day 2: Coaching for Excellence
- Day 3: Creating Effective Teams
- Day 4: Conflict Management
- Day 5: CPM Proposal/Project Process and Leadership Development Planning
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Level III(30 hours) | - Day 1: Understanding and Managing Organizational Climate: Part 1
- Day 2: Understanding and Managing Organizational Climate: Part 2
- Day 3: Legal Liabilities of the Public Manager
- Day 4: Managing Organizational Change
- Day 5: Project Management and Your Organizational Change Initiative
| - Level III Project – Individual or Joint – Must submit CPM Proposal Form – Requires Positive Action with ROI in the workplace
- Reading – Required management-related book
- 30 Hours of electives
- Leadership Development Plan – Completed in Level I – Updated in Level II
- Advanced Writing – MCPM Advanced Writing – 6 hours
- Certificate in Supervisory Management
Level IV(33 hours) | - Day 1: Organizational Culture
- Day 2: Power and Influence*
- Day 3: The CPM Level IV teams work on their team assignment.
- Day 4 (AM): The CPM Level IV teams work on their team assignment.
- Day 4 (PM): The CPM Level IV teams present their recommendations to the CPM Level IV Instructors, HR panelists, and SMEs.
- Day 5: Individual Evaluation sessions with instructors (During this time, each participant has a designated time to meet with the Level IV instructors to discuss how the week went and what improvements we can make in CPM Levels I-IV.)
| - Implementation of Level IV project with ROI
- *On the afternoon of Day 2, participants receive their team assignments which include current topics affecting state government (Well-being, Stress Management, Workforce Retention, Workforce Recruitment, Workforce Violence, Suspected Abuse of Prescription Medicine. These topics periodically change.)
Level V(33 hours) | - Day 1: Strategic Planning
- Day 2: Government Resources: Human Capital
- Day 3: Government Resources: Financial Resources
- Day 4 (AM): Government Resources: Tax Revenues
- Day 4 (PM): Measuring Government Performance
- Day 5: Measuring Government Performance (continued), Present Application Exercise
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Level VI(36 hours) | - Day 1: History of State Government, Government Consulting, Public Policy Process, and Management, Executive Seminar Planning
- Day 2: The 5 Generations of the Workplace, the Role of Mississippi Public Employee’s Retirement System, Employee Law Update, The Professional Supervisor, Leadership Accountability
- Day 3: The Role of the Judicial Branch in Public Policy, Discussion with MSPB Executive Director, An Overview of the State Workforce under MSPB Purview, The Role of the MS Ethics Commission
- Day 4: Crisis Communication for Public Sector Managers, Media Panel: The Relationship between the Local Media and State Government, the Role of Public Relations in State Government, Case Studies in Handling Crises: Public Relations in State Government
- Day 5 (AM): Recap of CPM Levels I-VI and Comprehensive Essay Information by MCPM Program Director
| - Submit a comprehensive essay
- Executive Seminar – 14 hours – (not included in the 58 elective hour requirement)
- 58 hours of electives
- Required management-related book
- Projects – Two job-related projects
CPM Documents
Certified Public Manager® Participant Handbook
Certified Public Manager® Project Handbook
Certified Public Manager® Program Level III Project Proposal Form (PDF)
Certified Public Manager® Program Level III Project Proposal Form (Word)
Certified Public Manager® Program Required Reading Form
Required Reading List
Request for Certification
Contact Information
For more information about the CPM Program, contact Shondra Houseworth at 601-359-2715 or via email at shondra.houseworth@mspb.ms.gov.