Jobs in this family various levels of correctional officers who perform security-related tasks to ensure a safe environment within an adult correctional institution or satellite facility. The jobs in this family perform duties associated with correctional officers.
The functions within this job family will vary by level, but may include the following:
- Control, direct, and monitor the activities and movement of offenders.
- Perform security searches and inspections.
- Maintain security of an assigned area or post.
- Conduct physical count of offenders.
- Operate manually or electronically controlled security equipment.
Jobs and Descriptions
Correctional Officer I
Entry level work involving maintaining order and discipline among offenders at a state correctional facility. Keeps watch in tower or at a gate, inspects incoming and outgoing vehicles. Escorts offenders to and from places of confinement. Assists in the supervision of feeding offenders and enforces regulations of sanitation and personal care. Makes rounds of inside and outside of all buildings and maintains counts of offenders. Advises resident of personal concerns.
Typically requires graduation from a standard four-year high school or equivalent (GED or High School Equivalency Diploma); and 0-2 years of correctional or secure facility experience. Applicants to this position must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and shall complete the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Employees in this job classification under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be assigned to the posts designated as non-peace officer status posts.
OCCU: 9131
Pay Grade: MS06
Correctional Officer II
Journey Level work involving maintaining order and discipline among offenders at a state correctional facility. Responsible for the custody and treatment of the offenders within the facility. Escorts offenders to and from confinement, maintains custody during transport. Monitors offenders during work detail and reports incidents of violation. Monitors offenders during residential feeding and enforces regulations covering sanitation and personal care.
Typically requires a Graduation from a standard four-year high school or equivalent (GED or High School Equivalency Diploma) and 2- 3 years of correctional or secure facility experience. Applicants to this position must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and shall have successfully completed the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Employees in this job classification under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be assigned to the posts designated as non-peace officer status posts.
OCCU: 9132
Pay Grade: MS07
Correctional Officer III
Seasoned level work involving the monitoring and control of inmates at a state correctional facility. Maintains discipline to prevent disorderly conditions within the facility. Supervises offenders during work detail and compiles report of violations. Escorts offenders to and from areas of confinement, maintains custody when being transported. Conducts searches at check points. Typical assignments may include maximum security units, special response team, etc. May train or mentor lower level employees.
Typically requires a Graduation from a standard four-year high school or equivalent (GED or High School Equivalency Diploma) and 3- 4 years of correctional or secure facility experience. Applicants to this position must be at least eighteen (18) years of age and shall have successfully completed the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Employees in this job classification under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be assigned to the posts designated as non-peace officer status posts.
OCCU: 9133
Pay Grade: MS08
Correctional Officer IV
First Level supervisory level work involving the oversight of Correctional Officers and/or custodial staff with responsibility to maintaining order and discipline in a correctional facility. Direct activities and duties of lower level employees in work details and station units. Observes staff in work detail to ensure offenders are treated properly and reconciles physical accounts and discrepancies. Provides training to staff.
Typically requires a Bachelor’s Degree and 3-4 years of correctional experience, must have correctional supervisory experience. Applicants to this position must be at least nineteen (19) years of age and shall have successfully completed the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Employees in this job classification under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be assigned to the posts designated as non-peace officer status posts.
OCCU: 9134
Pay Grade: MS10
Corrections Deputy Warden
Second Level supervisory work involving the administration and monitoring of activities within a state correctional facility. Performs various security activities within the facility. Monitors movement of inmates and reconciles incidents and discrepancies. Oversees correctional supervisors in the operation and security of offender housing units. Investigates violations and recommends disciplinary actions. Inspects housing units to ensure offenders are being treated properly. Schedules work shifts for sufficient coverage of facility.
Typically requires a Bachelor’s Degree and 5 years of correctional experience, must have correctional supervisory experience. Applicants to this position must be at least nineteen (19) years of age and shall have successfully completed the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Employees in this job classification under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be assigned to the posts designated as non-peace officer status posts.
OCCU: 9135
Pay Grade: MS11
Corrections Warden/Deputy Superintendent
Third Level supervisory work involving the administration of all activities within a state correctional facility. Responsible for the operation of various divisions with the facility. Plans and organizes the security of the facility. Controls and directs movement and activities of inmates. Reconciles physical counts and issues through assigned personnel. Compiles reports of incidents and makes changes to institutional operations or routines to ensure control and safety. Reviews budget request submitted by various divisions.
Typically requires a Bachelor’s Degree and 5-7 years of correctional experience, must have correctional management experience. In all cases, the applicant shall have attained twenty-one (21) years of age and shall have successfully completed the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections.
OCCU: 9136
Pay Grade: MS14
Correctional Superintendent
Management type of work involving directing and supervising a state correctional facility through Correctional Wardens and other personnel. Responsible for the direction and overall operation of a state correctional facility. Supervises personnel involved in activities such as security, farm and livestock operation, maintenance, food service, unit construction, inmate rehabilitation, inmate advocacy, medical services, and personnel training through lower level supervisors. Establishes policies, procedures, rules, and methods necessary to operate the facility and to ensure the safety and health of inmates. Maintains records and submits a budget to ensure sufficient operation.
Typically requires a Bachelor’s Degree and 8 years of correctional experience, must have correctional management experience. In all cases, the applicant shall have attained twenty-one (21) years of age and shall have successfully completed the training program at the Mississippi Department of Corrections or the equivalent within another state, as approved by the Mississippi Department of Corrections.
OCCU: 9137
Pay Grade: MS17