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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Professional Development and Electives

Please note: Professional development courses are open for all to register. You do not have to be enrolled in a specific program to register for a professional development/elective course.
Executive Services Certification Program (ESCP)
7 Habits of Highly Effective People®

Known as the world’s premier personal leadership development course, the new 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Edition 4.0® aligns timeless principles of effectiveness with modern technology and practices. Participants gain hands-on experience; applying timeless principles yields greater productivity, improved communication, strengthened relationships, increased influence, and laser-like focus on critical priorities. (12 hours)

Building Your Network

Designed for administrative professionals who wish to sharpen their networking skills, this half-day class allows participants to practice real-world skills. Networking helps to increase one’s circle of influence and provides opportunities to build relationships with people within an agency, with external customers, and in one’s personal life. Networking builds success between co-workers, clients, and stakeholders and can facilitate the transfer of institutional knowledge throughout the state workforce. (3 hours)

Empowering Yourself for Career Success

This half-day class identifies and provides effective short and long-term methods to assist participants in achieving a successful career. Based on “Motivating Yourself” by Harvey Coleman, this class teaches participants how to navigate common workplace obstacles to achieve workplace success and meet individual career goals while working to support their agencies’ overall mission and goals effectively. (3 hours)

Leadership at Every Level

Every employee in state government is presented with the opportunity to be a leader in their department, agency, or field. Through this half-day class, participants identify the qualities of an effective leader and discuss the importance of leadership regardless of the position one holds. Participants also focus on being effective leaders in their current roles within their agencies. (3 hours)

Presentation Skills for Non-Managers

This class offers those in support staff positions experience in overcoming fears often associated with public speaking and essential skills for effectively presenting information. ESCP participants learn how to successfully give the ESCP Level VI presentation.(6 hours)

Qualities of a Successful Mentor

To have an effective mentor, mentees must identify the desired outcomes of a mentoring relationship. In this class, participants will discuss their roles in mentor/mentee relationships and how to manage their expectations. This is especially important given how effective a mentoring relationship can be in transferring institutional knowledge and developing the state workforce. (6 hours)

Working Smart: How to Get Along, Get Noticed, and Get Ahead

This half-day class examines four strategies for developing state employees that focus on getting along, getting noticed, and getting ahead in the workplace. (3 hours)

Workplace Collaboration

The demands on administrative professionals in the 21st-century workplace are high. In this class, participants will learn seven steps for maximizing productivity and effectiveness in an environment of ongoing organizational change. The seven steps include managing yourself, developing the proper habits, prioritizing, understanding, and planning. Tracking performance and going the extra mile. (3 hours)

Your Purpose Pathway: Five Steps Along the Way

This half-day class discusses five important steps for career development that must be recognized along the pathway of purpose. Participants will learn how to be purposeful in their position and make intentional decisions to meet career goals to support their individual development and the goals and missions of their respective state agencies. (3 hours)

Mississippi Certified Public Manager Program (CPM)
Administrative Investigations